ICEM Tulcea


Subiect Tematic: paleolitic
Lucrări: 1 lucrari in 51 publicatii in 8 limbi
Arts et religions prehistoriques de: Chirica, Valentin-Codrin; Chirica, Vasile (Text tipărit)
The people of the Pavlovian : skeletal catalogue and osteometrics of the gravettian fossil hominids from Dolní Věstonice and Pavlov de: Sládek, Vladimír; Holliday, Trenton W.; Trinkaus, Erik; Hillson, Simon W. (Text tipărit)
Origin and early development of food producing cultures in North-Eastern Africa de: Kobusiewicz, Michał; Krzyżaniak, Lech (Text tipărit)
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