ICEM Tulcea

  • Archeologiczne badania ratownicze wydłuż trasy gazociągu tranzytowego. Tom 2 Wielkopolska : Kowalewko 12. Cmentarzysko birytualne lodności kultury wielbarskiej (od polowy I w. n.e. do pocyątku III w. n.e.) = Archaeological rescue investigations along the gas transit pipeline. Volume 2 Wielkopolska : Kowalewko 12. Biritual cemetery of a population of the Wielbark Culture (mid 1st to beginning of 3rd century AD). Part 3
  • Tipul înregistrării: Text tipărit: monografic
    Autor: Skorupka, Tomasz
    Redactorul ediţiei: Chłodnicki, Marek
    Responsabilitate: Tomasz Skorupka
    Responsabilitate secundară: pod redacja: Marka Chłodnickiego
    Titlu Paralel: Archaeological rescue investigations along the gas transit pipeline. Volume 2 Wielkopolska : Kowalewko 12. Biritual cemetery of a population of the Wielbark Culture (mid 1st to beginning of 3rd century AD)
    Editura: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie
    Locul publicării: Poznań
    Anul Ediției: 2001
    ISBN: 83-7177-149-5
    Descriere: 500 p.
    Limba: Polish
    Subiect: arheologie - Polonia
    Cota topografică: 903/Sko62
    Clasificare: 903(438)
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